Musings of a Fondue

Learning Ruby on Rails

I finished Michael Hartl’s intro series to Ruby on Rails.

In the process, I learned a lot about the web in general and website design.

I also learned a lot (and I mean a lot) about patience! Turns out attempting to do a tutorial written in 2010 in 2013 is hard given the blinding rate at which Ruby and its gems are updated.

I also learned about command line use, Github, Heroku, Git, Ruby, and lots of other stuff. The series is quite comprehensive!

The end result is the following website:

And the source code is on Github.

The site will not win any web design awards, but I am pretty happy with it. Pictures are included at the end of this post in case the site doesn’t work in the future.

Here are links to the tutorial:

  • Ebook
  • Webcast (YouTube playlist)


generic home page, image

signup page image

successful signup image

all members image

a member’s profile image

on follow image

people you follow

personalized home page image

making a post image

settings page image

Update (May 2015):

The screencasts used to be available on YouTube. I actually never touched the e-book preferring videos to pages on pages of text. Too bad they were taken down. Seems that the videos are now available only if purchased =/. Well, at least the book is still free…
