Musings of a Fondue

Tag: Website-design

Website Study - Parachutes

Came across this site and was blown away by its design!

After spending an inordinate amount of time browsing through it, I decided to see if I could duplicate one of the pages.

Here is the result

Responsive Layout Tutorial

I was looking for a framework I could use to make my blog. I wanted something lighter than Bootstrap and came across Skeleton. I also came across this tutorial series on TutsPlus on Building a Responsive Layout with Skeleton, and the accompanying videos.

The series turned into an unexpected lesson on web design. I learned about Photoshop mockups and their use in website design, about font pairing, responsive design, grid layouts, textures, patterns, media queries, and lots of other good stuff.

Checkout the resulting website here

It’s optimized for Desktop browsing.

Learning Ruby on Rails

I finished Michael Hartl’s intro series to Ruby on Rails.

In the process, I learned a lot about the web in general and website design.

I also learned a lot (and I mean a lot) about patience! Turns out attempting to do a tutorial written in 2010 in 2013 is hard given the blinding rate at which Ruby and its gems are updated.

I also learned about command line use, Github, Heroku, Git, Ruby, and lots of other stuff. The series is quite comprehensive!

The end result is the following website: